A recent example of that would be my stomach bug bout I had Sunday night. Yuck! Anyways...moving on.
So here are some confessions, I plan on working to eliminate these little facts below:
1. I have a hard time giving someone the benefit of the doubt, you may call it skepticism - however if something appears off...I usually take the first negative thought that hits me and I go wild with it.
2. I always expect the worst....always.
3. I always feel like I have messed something up, I never feel satisfied with whatever I do....like I could always do better.
4. I complain way too much.
5. I am always playing defense.
Ya, it's a big problem. I want God's love to be pouring out of me, like so much that it's like unicorns and rainbows floating around my head. I love people like that. My dental hygenist is like that and I adore her. I actually look forward to going to the dentist, just so I can talk to her because she always makes me smile and I feel good about the world when I leave. Our piano player at church is like that too, when she isn't around I miss her to pieces. My good friend, Kaysi, is like that too. I LOVE these people. I gravitate towards them. They never have anything bad to say and they are always smiling and have a great outlook on life. So this is my mission people. I want people to enjoy being around me, love my spirit, and miss my smiles when I am not there.
More importantly, I want my husband to come home to a happy, smiling wife that isn't distraught unless there is a good reason to be. I heard on the radio recently that one of the biggest turn offs for men is a negative, whiny, woman....Whoops! AND I know that in doing this I will rub off on him and he will probably become a more positive person as well. Also, I want my son to grow up in a positive environment and I want him to be a positive person with positive influences on his peers. I spend almost every minute of his days with him, so I rub off on his little heart that is so easy to shape right now. My outlook on life has so much of an impact on his little life right now and the person he will become that I am accountable to him and to God to raise him in the best environment possible.
So I am ready to change this attitude, I am sure it won't be easy but it's my conviction right now and it's my responsibility to my family. What has your conviction been lately? I have felt so many, God is moving! As someone at my church says quite often, "When you move, God moves." I am making my move.
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