I had a good day....today, yesterday, the day before and well pretty much all week. I am not sure if my attitude has changed or if it has just been that smooth of a week. I am leaning more towards attitude because I still had a few less than great moments this week.
I was thinking that this week, on the 27th, I will be a quarter of a century old and I don't want to waste my "good" years fretting over the small details in life and things that don't go exactly my way....because things not going my way will be a forever factor in my life. So, I have decided to roll with the punches and love my boys like crazy and enjoy them in the process instead of worry all of the time. And I am liking this new me. I don't think I have been this laid back since I was 21.
Anyways, so that pretty much sums up my week...good. Sawyer had his first dentist appointment and was a champ. I was so proud of him. He also turned 19 months old this week. (Sniffle, sniffle) Josh worked what seemed like a ton of hours this week. Sunday and Monday he worked a 48, Tuesday he came home and ran errands all morning and he came home just in time to go to ICU clinicals until nearly midnight. Wednesday we went grocery shopping and to the dentist and got that done just in time for Josh to head off to class all evening. Thursday he worked a 24 hr shift and when he got off work on Friday morning he walked across the street to the hospital and did clinicals until 1. He came home and we finally got to spend time with him for a little. We went to the County Superbowl for a date night and that was fun. Saturday we both woke up early and I went and worked at Cattlemen's and he did more ER clinicals until nearly 5pm. Whew!!! I miss my husband!! I am so ready for school to be over with....can you see why? I am so proud of him though because he juggles all of this like a pro. Even though it was a hectic week I am going to bed happy and with an extremely full and thankful heart. I have a healthy, beautiful son that is loads of fun and makes me feel so loved and worthwhile and gives me so much joy AND a handsome, very smart and good, God fearing man that loves me and provides a very blessed life for me. What more do I need? God is good! I am definitely looking forward to a new week full of God's goodness and I hope the same for everyone else.