Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My First Blog

So here I am, blogging.  It's definitely something I thought I would never take part in....regardless, I am in need of an outlet - something to help me get my ideas organized and see myself think and grow.  I have read several other blogs and I have gotten so much out of reading how other people are just like me.  They have the same problems, experiences, fights....just a different view point on life.  I need that.  So maybe I can be sort of the same for people, a fresh or different look on life and situations - an encouragement. So here goes nothing...

Since this is my first blog I will start off with an introduction of myself.  As of now, I am mainly a stay at home mom to my almost 18 month old son, Sawyer. We live on a peaceful piece of land out in the country in a small but not too small house that me and my husband built about 4 years ago right before we tied the knot.  I have a few small side jobs but nothing worth really mentioning at this point.  My husband, Josh, is a full time paramedic and is also attending nursing school which = I am pretty much a single mom for the time being.  He works 48 hour shifts usually. He comes home and then goes to school and then comes home from school/clinicals in time to sleep and will go back to work for another 24 or 48 hours.  He usually has one good day off a week, rarely two days.  So as you can imagine I am alone with my thoughts quite often.  But the good news is, we can see the light....the craziness is almost to an end, or so we hope.  Josh graduates from nursing school in December and already has a job lined out at as an ER nurse...praise the Lord!!! I am beyond excited about this because I miss my husband and nursing hours are much better than medic hours!  He is a great man, husband, father - just an awesome person all around. We have a pretty great love story too but I will save that for another time. We are both God-fearing Christians and we have just joined a church that we love.  We feel God's presence there so strong. Every Sunday we leave service asking ourselves what we can do better to serve the Lord and deepen our relationship with Him.  I have such a long way to go to be what the Lord wants for me to be, but I can feel myself growing and it's a great feeling to know that everyday I wake up I am closer to my Lord than I was the day before. My life purpose at this point is to be a rock and help meet for Josh and to raise a Godly son and other future children we may have.  My motivation and happiness comes from their happiness.  If they are happy, I am thrilled...it means I am doing my job right!  There is really so much more i could go on about, but I am sure my blog will shed light on all the details of my life.  Stick with me while I figure this out, I have so many experiences and thoughts that I think people can relate to and grow from.  I know this is a typical first blog but I am usually not the typical person, you will find that out...but I find delight in that fact.  Being typical these days isn't such a flattering quality to have.  I'll be back, I'm glad I got that first blog out of the way!

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